“Which rate should I select?”
One of Fishadelphia’s goals is that everyone has access to delicious and affordable seafood. Following a solidarity economy approach, we offer different rates at which people can participate in our seafood programs:
Regular rate is market rate. It reflects the true cost of Fishadelphia share.
Community rate is for customers who might not be able to access fresh, high-quality seafood regularly. Read more about eligibility for Community rate here.
Lastly, Neighbor Share is our mutual aid program, since we recognize that, for many, the Community rate tier may still not be accessible. Read more about Neighbor Share here.
If you’re feeling uncertain about whether you should sign up for our Regular, Community, or Neighbor Share rates (as a contributor or recipient), here is a short questionnaire borrowed from an organization we admire, called AORTA (Anti-oppression Resource & Training Alliance), which can help you determine that:
Are you and your family homeowners or landowners?
Have you attended private education institutions or do you have an advanced degree?
Are your bills or credit cards on autopay?
Have you not had difficulty accessing and affording healthcare or health insurance for you or your family members?
Do you have zero to no debt and/or do you have disposable income?
Do you have a safety net composed of “financially stable” or wealthy family and friends?
Do you have U.S. Citizenship?
Does your income only support you, and not other loved ones?
Have you or do you expect to inherit money or property?
Have you (or could you) have attended college and/or graduate school?
Here are our suggestions:
If you answered almost all no → Community rate OR consider signing up to receive a free Neighbor Share!
If you answered more no than yes → Community rate
If you answered more yes than no → Regular (market) rate
If you answered almost all yes → Regular (market) rate AND consider contributing to our Neighbor Share mutual aid program!