Change in Pause Policy

Change in Pause Policy

We’ve had a pause functionality available for Seafood Club Members for the past year (we first unveiled it in early 2024)! It seems like it’s been a big hit for increasing the flexibility of our membership to suit peoples’ varying needs; whatever the reason for wanting a break in pickups, all it takes is a couple clicks and your pickups will be paused. However, we have a minor change to how membership pauses will work.

Going forward, any pickups that you have paid for must be used by the end of the season or they will be forfeited if your account is paused. (This does not apply for active accounts!) So right now if you are paused and have paid-for pickups remaining at the end of June 2025, we will consider them forfeit.

We weren’t anticipating the length of time that many people would leave their accounts paused with paid-for pickups remaining. For various reasons we think it is better for both our Members and Fishadelphia if we don’t have long-standing “fish debts”.

If you’re currently a paused Seafood Club Member, you will get an email shortly reiterating this new policy and also reminding you how many pickups (if any) you have already paid for that you should use before the end of the season. We have 10 pickups left before the end of the season, which is more than enough for most folks who are paused to use up any pickups they have already paid for.

Please let us know if you have questions or concerns about this new policy.